NPK Marketplace greatly exceeded projections for the first half of 2024. Organic fertilizer sales came in approximately 200% higher than expected, based on the company's inaugural marketing efforts.

"This was our first large-scale market test campaign since we launched the business earlier this year", says company CEO John Bowser, "and our outreach to organic farmers proved to be extremely successful."  As Bowser explains, the initial test campaign to organic farmers sold a total of 668 tons of fertilizer, which is roughly three times the sales volume anticipated at the beginning of the test period. "We have definitely confirmed the demand for this type of all-natural fertilizer," he adds.

For the market test, NPK Marketplace employed its proprietary digital marketing system to target organic farmers throughout California. The campaign included a combination of digital ads and editorial content to show farmers the benefits of using all-natural fertilizer made from chicken manure. The goal was to give organic growers the prescriptive knowledge they need in order to practice sustainable farming practices with the use of manure-based soil nutrients, and to make these growers aware that they have a local source of this fertilizer available.