About Us

A Global Problem

Worldwide, farm animals produce over 5 billion tons of manure every month. This releases large amounts of methane and nitrous oxide into the environment and explains why agriculture produces an estimated 12% of all greenhouse gases. Many governments around the globe have responded by calling for a reduction—or even elimination—of livestock farming. In some cases, efforts have even been launched to seize farms and shut them down in pursuit of net zero emissions goals...

The Solution: Anaerobic Digester Technology, along with dried, pelletized manure, captures methane gas and kills pathogens that contaminate water supplies, rivers, and lakes. In addition, the digester process greatly reduces the nitrogen runoff that escapes into the environment, while at the same time turning manure into high-value organic fertilizer.

A Major Investment by the Farmer: The technology to achieve clean farming requires a significant commitment by the farmer. The good news is that farmers become more willing to make this commitment when a return-on-investment exists. Investments like digesters and manure pelletizing machines give local communities a way to create a sustainable agricultural environment, with livestock farmers and growers working together to solve greenhouse gas problems with regenerative growing practices.

Turns Waste into an Asset: NPK Marketplace converts a global environmental concern into an asset by incentivizing growers to use sustainable fertilizer on their crops. It also gives environment-conscious home gardeners and landscapers a way to do their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our turnkey marketing programs uncover new fertilizer buyers within specific target markets, and our online platform lets buyers see all the options available when it comes to using manure-based fertilizer on their crops or gardens.

Soil Management: We understand that plants and crops need more than just "NPK". That’s why we include a mix of hand-picked, complimentary soil nutrient product manufacturers in addition to pelletized fertilizer producers. Our marketplace advantage extends to both soil management companies and businesses that cater to livestock management. These companies also use our platform and turnkey promotional system to connect with local markets globally.

NPK Marketplace works as a critical link in the global supply chain for organic fertilizer and the elimination of methane and other climate-changing emissions. Our management team offers extensive combined experience in distribution and technology and has turned their expertise in solving this global problem. We design every tool on our platform to help growers find and measure the optimum nutrient product for their specific application.

Local Approach to a World Market

Our Role: We use our marketplace to bring sellers and buyers together and promote sustainable commercial and consumer behavior. We open new markets for organic fertilizer by connecting livestock farmers with crop growers, gardeners, landscapers, schools, golf courses and more, giving them local access to organic, NPK certified, climate-smart soil nutrition.

Our mission starts with the local market. We focus on the distribution of pelletized natural fertilizer within specific local markets around the world, and we provide turnkey solutions that instantly put livestock farmers in the fertilizer business. Our turnkey system lays out a proven program for taxation, shipping, certification, product branding, and marketing. These key factors create a customer base in the immediate trade area of each pellet producer, greatly extending their market reach.

It's easy to get started: If you're a grower or gardener, use the NPK Marketplace to find environmentally friendly fertilizer and nutrients for your plants. If you're a livestock farmer or provide a natural soil nutrition product, let us help you lead and promote sustainable agriculture within your community.
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