NPKmedia > Data Privacy and Brand Safeguards
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Data Privacy and Brand Safeguards
Privacy Compliance

NPKmedia is fully compliant with industry privacy regulations and maintains strict adherence to data security and brand safety protocols.

CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) & CPRA (California Privacy Rights Act). We adhere to strict data privacy laws, ensuring consumer information is protected and only used with consent.
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation – EU/UK). While focused on U.S. campaigns, we follow best practices for data transparency and user rights.
IAB & NAI Standards. We align with Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) guidelines for ethical data usage and consumer protection
Brand Safety & Fraud Prevention. We partner with leading verification services (IAS, DoubleVerify, and MOAT) to ensure ads are served in brand-safe environments, free from fraud or invalid traffic.

Privacy and Mobile IDs

Mobile Advertising IDs (Mobile IDs or MAIDs), are unique identification codes assigned to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These IDs are used primarily for mobile advertising and analytics, and can track user interactions, deliver targeted advertisements, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns across various mobile applications. Unlike the cookies used in web browsers, Mobile IDs are designed for the mobile environment, offering persistent identification capabilities that enable advertisers to gain deeper insights into the behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns of a mobile user.

Utilizing Mobile IDs for targeting purposes creates a wealth of benefits that enable advertisers to navigate today's "cookieless" era with confidence and respect for user privacy. MAIDs adhere to stringent privacy regulations, handling user data responsibly and transparently. By incorporating robust privacy compliance measures, such as user consent mechanisms and data encryption protocols, MAIDs prioritize the ethical and lawful use of mobile user data in advertising and analytics, fostering trust between users and advertisers.

Brand Safety

Brand Safety has always been a concern in digital advertitising: In a real-time bidding environment, marketers want to ensure that their ads aren’t served beside inappropriate content, and the rise of social media and self-publishing platforms creates the possibility of content that is not vetted by a gatekeeper. Therefore, we are committed to making sure that an advertiser's ads are safely served in the correct context. To help marketers navigate this topic, we’ve identified three key considerations related to brand safety...Transparency, Safeguards, and Smart Technology.


Understanding of both the audience and the inventory is very important when it comes to brand safety and transparency. Advertisers need to know exactly who they are reaching with their ads, and on what sites their ads are served. Because of this, NPKmedia provides full transparency at the domain level for every impression served. This transparency is essential in providing advertisers with the knowledge of where their ads appear and alongside what content. Since preferences vary from advertiser to advertiser, the NPKmedia platform provides the power to modify traffic to meet brand safety standards based on each advertiser's needs.


NPKmedia’s team of experts recommend advertisers adopt safeguards in order to combat controversial content, inappropriate domains, fake news, etc. All NPKmedia clients have access to these best practices:

Global Blocklist precludes sites that are deemed unsafe for brands, have signs of fraudulent traffic, or provide otherwise controversial content. NPKmedia blocklists over 30 million disreputable domains, preventing any campaign from serving ads on these sites.
Campaign-Specific Blocklist enables advertisers to block publishers (domains or apps) on a campaign-by-campaign basis. This filter can be applied to meet specific requirements or preferences on particular campaigns.
Company-Specific Blocklist provides the ability to block publishers (domains or apps) on a company-by-company basis to ensure ads are not served on sites or apps that the advertiser does not believe represent its values or standards. NPKmedia clients can customize and add this blocklist to any campaign.
Campaign-Specific Allowlist gives advertisers with the ability to limit the campaign to only run on sites that have been pre-approved. NPKmedia recommends using this as an add-on to other strategies.

Smart Technology

NPKmedia's internally-developed contextual crawler spends 24 hours a day reading sites to determine the content, keywords, and phrases on the page to ensure that ads won’t be served on pages deemed as inappropriate. We can deliver greater security by analyzing down to the page level, not just at the domain level. It is also essential to have a system that updates in near real time. This is because new content is being created all the time, and it is important to classify that new content quickly into the inventory pool if it passes brand safety standards.
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